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Life Insurance

Why Life Insurance?
(Life Insurance Proceeds Are Tax-Free)

Mortgage Protection
College Expenses
Accumulate Income for Retirement
Protect Estate Value (Pay Estate Taxes)
Estate Planning
Retain Key Employee(s)
Buy-Sell For Business Partners
Pay For Long-Term Care If Needed

General Underwriting Guidelines - Click Here

Should I Replace My Existing Life Insurance?

Rates are so low right now; those who are in good health may want to consider purchasing a brand new policy. This may cost the same or less than what you're paying now.

Take out your contract. Check the rate guarantee. It's possible you can find a new policy that won't cost any more, yet give you another 10 to 20 years at a guaranteed rate.

Statewide Insurance Co. represents companies that are reliable, strong financially, with a proven track record. Some of them are:

American General (AIG) Old Mutual
Banner Life Insurance Co. Aviva
Allianz Life Insurance Co. Genworth
Lincoln Financial Group More.....More

Contact Statewide Insurance Company For Recommendations and Illustrations - Click Here